inSupply Health believes that solutions applied at every level of the supply chain outlive specific projects or funding streams. What does that mean, and how does it look in practice? What challenges have we faced during implementation? We answer these questions as we...
Making Data Useful: The VIMS Story in Tanzania
Background In 2015, the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) review team observed low data quality, parallel reporting systems, low capacity and incentive to collect and use data for performance improvement among key obstacles in monitoring and improving...
Using Health Gaming to Increase Awareness of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
For the later half of the year in 2020, HCDExchange has rolled out health games amongst youth in Sub Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia with the goal of increasing learning around Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) and Human Centered Design (HCD). Because...
A Public Private Partnership to facilitate E-Commerce Rural Expansion while Promoting Community Health Volunteer Sustainability
The Aim Kasha, an e-commerce company for women’s health and personal care in East Africa, collaborated with inSupply Health to expand their model of agent-supported e-commerce with last mile delivery outside of Nairobi. Their vision is to expand across the country,...
Skilled for the Process: IT Learning Packages
“Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill”, in the words of Tony Buzan*. Skills bear the core of every knowledge gained beyond knowing, and this is what defines the art of actuality. At inSupply Health, our art has been building skills beyond the scope of...
Data Use Culture and Value
Introduction Data culture is a collective behaviour and beliefs of people who value, practice and encourage the use of data to inform actions and improve decision making. Increasingly, countries in Sub Saharan Africa, including Tanzania and Kenya, have been...
How Dodoma IMPACT Teams are driving real change in their own communities
Tanzania Immunization and Vaccine Development (IVD) program and partners are currently implementing the integrated Electronic Immunization System (EIS) with the ultimate goal of improving vaccine availability and potency. The system has two components: (1) a Vaccine...
Removing reporting barriers for nomadic Community Health Volunteers using cStock
A case of Mandera and Wajir Counties Background One of the primary barriers to achieving functional community health units in Mandera and Wajir counties in Kenya is the unreliability and absence of supply chain procedures and processes. Community level stock-outs have...